Elizabeth Grant's Vitamin C Collection

Our obsession with Elizabeth Grant skincare products has only deepened since we last introduced them on the site. Like many women, we wake up each morning and look in the bathroom mirror hoping that our skin is clear and healthy. But some mornings you need a little extra kick to get that vibrant, I-slept-10-hours look that is plastered across the front of beauty magazines. And since us normal folk don’t have private makeup artists and dermatologists to tend to our morning needs, a few great skincare products from Elizabeth Grant will certainly suffice.

Elizabeth Grant Vitamin C Body Cleanser

(Vitamin C Body Lotion)

When the alarm sounds and you hop out of bed, one of the most important activities of your morning is cleansing your skin. The Elizabeth Grant Vitamin C Cleanser had a refreshing burst of foam that rids the skin of impurities that build up over time. Jam-packed with Vitamin C, the ultimate anti-aging agent, the cleanser is a vital part of your morning routine. Its sensitive nature won’t irritate sensitive skin, and it’s perfect for using before makeup application.

(Vitamin C Cleanser)

We were thrilled with the results of the Collagen Peel Off Mask, a simple gel that’s great for applying while sitting in the bathtub, or hanging by the television. Collagen is known for improving the strength and elasticity of one’s skin, and Elizabeth Grant’s Peel Off Mask does that that. Despite its name, you don’t have to peel it off piece by piece. We prefer using a warm washcloth for removal, and the results are outstanding. Immediately after cleansing, your skin will feel significantly smoother to the touch.

(Collagen Peel Off Mask)

If you’re looking to exfoliate your dry, rough skin without ending up a blotchy mess, Elizabeth Grant’s Vitamin C Body Scrub is perfect for sloughing away dead skin cells. Full of the antioxidant Vitamin C, the scrub helps to reduce wrinkles and give skin new life. Dullness and discoloration are given the boot in favor of a fresh orange scent and soft, touchable skin.

(Vitamin C Body Lotion)

After exfoliating, it’s absolutely vital to moisturize skin in order stimulate firmness and reduce drying. Elizabeth Grant’s Vitamin C Body Lotion has become part of our bedtime ritual, and we are absolutely reaping the benefits. Lined and wrinkled skin is immediately given a burst of elasticity, which reduces the appearance of saggy and dull skin. With her trademark ingredient Torricelumn, a moisturizing compound, Elizabeth Grant’s Vitamin C Body Lotion is the perfect end to your daily skincare routine.